Yellow Borneo Kratom Strain
Approximated Speed: Moderate
Mitragyna Speciosa (Kratom) is a tropical evergreen tree part of the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. It can be found in countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and a few others. All of Otie’s Botanicals Kratom Powder products are milled perfectly down to the nano level.
Must be 18+ to order/purchase. Products cannot be shipped to certain states/counties. Please read our full legal disclaimer HERE.
Ingredients: Mitragyna Speciosa.
Ayden Harward –
I really loved this strain instantly when I tried it after it came in the mail today! I’ve had a migraine for the past 4 days and nothing has been helping. Not even the other strains of tea I had. This yellow Borneo instantly took away my pain in my head and boosted my mood the most out of any other strain. It is so uplifting and makes you just smile at everything and everyone. So much joy with this. It also helps my lower back pain specifically. If you like white indo or Hulu, I highly recommend trying this strain as well! It’s like an improved white indo if it can even be improved!
Audrey –
I really love this strain. It doesnt have that bite when you toss n wash like most of them do and it mixes well. It def boosts your mood and relieves pain. Im able to do what I have to do for the day and the relief lasts for hours. I wake at 6 and take my dose before my cup of coffee and within the hour Im ready to start my day!!
Emily Richard (verified owner) –
Review for Yellow Borneo Kratom
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Janelle Kressley (verified owner) –
Yellow Borneo is a perfect strain by itself with a slow energetic feeling, but mixed with other strains it is 🔥! It seems to boost whatever strain I mix it with! I can mix with a red for a boost in pain relief and relaxation or I can mix with a white or green for a boost in mood and energy! I love this one!
Michelle (verified owner) –
This is by far the best yellow I have tried 🔥 I always make sure I have some on hand for my anxiety. It is great for day or night time
Michelle (verified owner) –
This is my favorite! Hands down the best yellow I have ever tried 😍
James (verified owner) –
Works great. love having it when I wake up with my coffee to get my day started. Gives a Nice mood lift and positive push for the day. Definitely makes me feel happy and social and just generally feeling good for the day.
Amy (verified owner) –
Otie’s Yellow Borneo is amazing! I wish every day could start this way.
Austin Hoezee (verified owner) –
Loved this stuff. I had a super high tolerance to reds but when I took this yellow borneo it felt like full tolerance reset and I could take just 3 grams again and feel it nice and gooood. Coming back for more right now actually. I noticed it doesnt hit hard instantly like other strians. For me it kind of creeps up and 30-40 minutes later you get great effects. Which I thought was nice. Better for relaxation and overwhelming anxiety in my opinion.
Leigh P. –
Always recommend the Otie’s Yellow Borneo as it is euphoric as can be, and truly did it envelope me in a sense of balanced well being and true bliss.
Taylor cramer (verified owner) –
Works great especially in the mornings but also in the evening as well. Not a strong taste to it either
Texx2405 –
One of the others my buddy brought over a few weeks back. This is a purchase for me in the near future. I’m a yellow fan through and through, and this hits all the marks. Relief of pain and anxiety, and just a great mood all around. Recommend!
Texx2405 –
I’m a sucker for yellows, and this is one that hits all the marks. Pain and anxiety free, calmness, and an overall sense of well being. This is my next grab when I order. Absolutely love it.
Terry –
YB helps me to relax and a better mood. I mix it with Green bali and super gold in the evenings. Great combo and hubby and I watch movies. During the day, I will mix it with a green to help me get stuff done. I have really bad chronic pain and nerve damage and the evening mix helps a lot and when it doesn’t quite cut it, I’ll add 1/4g of a red and then it seems to help more! I’ll keep this one for sure!
Michael (verified owner) –
All of Otie’s kratom is really top quality, and this is another great strain! Brought my anxiety way down & gave me a nice sense of well-being, even better than my usual green. If you like green, give this one a try…
Buren (verified owner) –
This is a unique tool to have: my experience is its great for sciatica and blocked circulation from pinching. If you are in pain and cold and you still have to work and meet your responsibilities for the day, this is a good cut through. More like a red than a green but has a nice warming ginger-like speed to it, rather than a slower or cooling red vibe. Bless this Yellow.
Ali Justali (verified owner) –
Boosts my mood and helps me relax without being sedating – I’m liking it!
bkk316 –
Very relaxing
Michael Pape (verified owner) –
Excellent. I am a white maeng da guy, but the switch to this was wonderful. I’d argue that it’s basically the same as that for me, but more smooth. Switching to white maeng da this last week actually gave me the super wobbles. It’s good enough that I might just stick with this from now on.
Overall, light energy, some pain relief, just overall a decent balance for my brain and body type. I have a hard time gelling with any particular leaf, so if you’re the same perhaps this will work for you as well.
Korey Thatcher (verified owner) –
Average strain. Not enough body for pain relief. Not enough energy. Not bad, just average.